Tortilla Española, Reading, Lucky Bamboo and Rosemary.

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tortilla española

A blogger I follow likes to go through her extensive collection of recipe books every month. She selects one book. Then she makes one or two things from the chosen book. I decided to do the same. I’ve been reading Belinda Jeffery’s new book A Year Of Sundays. She describes this book as a “cookbook, a conversation and reflections on the world around me.” She writes about her cooking school, growing fruit and vegetables, trialing recipes and sharing food.

I chose to make Tortilla Española (p195). I remember we enjoyed this in Barcelona and I had all the ingredients in the fridge or cupboard. You need eggs, onions, potatoes and some oil. It’s a tasty alternative if you’ve given up meat for Lent. I used to make tortillas for picnics as they travel well and taste even better when they’re cold. I thought we’d enjoy this for lunch with a small salad. I was right!

Making the tortilla took quite a while as the potatoes need to cook for about 20 minutes with the onions, in hot oil. Then the potatoes and onions sit in the lightly beaten egg for about half an hour to absorb the egg flavour. I used this time to make the Homemade Mayonnaise (p175). I’d already separated the eggs, keeping the yolks for the mayonnaise and adding the whites to the tortilla mix. You know I hate to waste food!

My version and Jeffery’s version in the book.

While the potato and onion mix was absorbing the lightly beaten egg flavour, I started on the mayonnaise. None of Jeffery’s romantic balloon whisking for me! No lovely French ceramic bowl for mixing in, either. For years I have made mayonnaise in the food processor but today I made it using a Barmix and a jug. I used a blend of extra virgin olive oil and olive oil, as Jeffery suggested  and I like the flavour. Dripping the oil slowly into the mix meant the whole process took about 25 minutes. The resulting mayonnaise is thick and creamy. This recipe makes a lot of mayonnaise!

Belinda Jeffery’s A Year of Sundays has recipes arranged to reflect the seasonal fruit and vegetables available. The recipes are accompanied by beautiful, inspiring photographs and generally rely on ingredients which are commonplace. I found lots of recipes I’d like to make, including her version of Tomato Tarte Tatin, a new favourite.


I’ve really enjoyed reading  Daniel Klein Travels with Epicurus. After the author is advised to have the teeth on his lower jaw removed and replaced with implants he begins contemplating the battle to fight off signs of ageing. Is it better to be forever young? Looking for answers, the author travels to the Greek Island of Hydra where he spent a gap year as a teenager. Here he observes and talks to the old men who gather daily to reminiscence  about lives well lived.

It is not the young man who should be  considered fortunate but the old man who  has lived well, because the young man in his prime wanders much by chance, vacillating in his beliefs, while the old man has docked in the harbour, having safeguarded his true happiness.


Klein intersperses his observations with Epicurus’s quotes about the way to live a good life. We often relate Epicurus to epicurean style dining, which the great man himself eschewed for a bowl of lentils, eaten in the company of friends. He did not promote excesses in any area of life. Friendship was important and discussing the meaning of life was more important. Klein compares this relaxed way of living to his retiring American friends who have bucket lists, lengthy lists of goals and are driven to be frantically busy, but most of all, to look young. I think these are common goals in many societies.

            Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our happiness.


His insights are based on the beliefs of Epicurus and other philosophers. This is philosophy ‘lite’ but thought provoking and interesting. An easy, good read.

lucky bamboo and rosemary

A few weeks ago I wrote about propagating new lucky bamboo stems, pruned from an old, dying (over fertilised) very large parent plant. They have done very well. Only one stem didn’t ‘take’ but the rest have healthy roots and are growing new leaves. I have planted them all in a pot in soil as they last longer than those growing in water. In a few weeks I will divide them into two pots.

Last Anzac Day, the 25th of April, I made Anzac Biscuits for the neighbours and added a piece of rosemary ( for remembrance) under the ribbon tied to each box. I also put a leftover piece in water. When it had good strong roots I planted it out in a pot. As it grew I began removing the growth on the lower part of the stem to create a topiary rosemary tree. It is going very well!

Have you begun Easter preparations? No controlled borders for us this year so we are really looking forward to our son coming to spend the Easter break with us!

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Propagating Plants, Chilli Thrip and Drinking Coffee

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propagating pelagoniums

Regular readers know I like to propagate my own plants. This is an satisfying and economical way to add to the garden. I’m really pleased with the strong growth on a collection of lucky bamboo stems I rooted a few weeks ago and will plant them in soil as soon as it is a bit cooler (here)

This pink pelagonium is sturdy and very pretty. It blooms regularly throughout the year. To create new plants I simply snip off a stem with some leaves, strip off all but about three  of the leaves then put the stem in a jar of water. Sometimes I dip the stem of plants I am propagating in rooting/hormone  powder but not pelagoniums.

I snip short pieces off the end of existing branches to propagate, not long pieces. You can do this any time of the year as pelagoniums  don’t have a dormant period like many plants. I always get the roots started in water but some people prefer planting the ‘slip’, the snipped off piece straight into potting mix.

Within days small white threadlike roots will begin appearing. I like four or five roots shooting before I plant them in soil. Due to the ongoing heat I am keeping these ‘slips’ in water inside with dappled light for a while longer. I will actually plant these in the trough the parent plant grows in. Massed together they look wonderful when they’re blooming.

Although I would normally start new creeping fig (ficus primula) plants in spring I really want to cover the back garden wall with greenery, so need new plants. It is partially covered with creeping fig. We have had an extremely blisteringly hot summer and like so many  other people, I have lost plants. A green wall might help cool the area in future summers.

Free Green Leaf Plant on Wall Stock Photo


Interestingly, a neighbour told me creeping fig was a bit naff and out of fashion. Who knew? It is a good choice for the west facing wall I already have it growing on, only requires occasional pruning and doesn’t need a lot of water.

Other plants I have propagated include small leaf and common ivy (here), rosemary, box and hydrangeas.

roses and chilli thrip

Last year Chilli Thrip  decimated roses in this area. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development says thrips are most active during spring, summer and autumn. They say the recent few days of rainfall and humidity have created perfect conditions for the thrips which feed on the sugars of the new shoots on plants. The sap sucking insects caused deformities in flowers, stems and leaves.

The only treatment is spraying with harsh chemicals. The added problem is that everyone nearby has to treat their roses, too, as the thrips quickly move from one address to another. I love my roses and am glad they have all survived being attacked as many around here haven’t but I am not keen on spraying them for most of the year to prevent attacks.

In the meanwhile, regular spraying has resulted in some beautiful roses in the house but not the vase full above: they were bought!


Still eating macarons although the French celebrated Macaron Day on the 20th of March. The best recipe on Youtube for first time makers is this one (here)   but I find it a bit too temping having lots of sweet, pretty, delicious macarons in the house!


I’m a long time drinker of coffee. A friend and I used to sneak out of boarding school in the evenings and on the weekends, go down a back lane  then  cross the main street to drink coffee in a Greek cafe. That worked well for about two years until the evening we were leaving the cafe and looked up and saw the head of our boarding house watching us through the bus window.  That didn’t end well.

Coffee, Coffee Grinds, Cafe

Image Pixabay

My coffee drinking penchant developed over the years. I used to drink long blacks day and night, then about twenty five years ago began drinking espressos. At home, my preferred place to enjoy good coffee, I drink espressos and when I out, I order double espressos, hoping for, but often not getting, depth of flavour. Now I stop drinking coffee around 4pm because I’ve read it can interfere with sleep.

Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Espresso, Americano

Image Pixabay

I’ve also just read that recent research says coffee is good for you! What a relief. Apparently around four cups of coffee a days has been shown to lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease, heart failure and heart disease. Regular drinkers of coffee live longer and are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, have a stroke or develop chronic liver disease. Coffee boosts awareness and improves exercise endurance. And it tastes great! So, whether you’re enjoying a coffee and a quiet moment or sitting with friends and chatting, it’s reassuring to know your coffee is promoting good health.

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International Women’s Day, Plastic Pollution Treaty, Painting and Eating

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international women’s day

Last week, on Tuesday 8th March, we celebrated International Women’s Day.  The campaign theme this year is #BreakTheBias. Officially recognised by the United Nations in 1975 I wonder what has changed. A recent study, quoted in the Sunday Times Body and Soul liftout (March 5th, 2022) refers to a study which found that young females exhibiting headstrong behaviours grow up to earn about $4000 less a year compared with men in a similar position. Interestingly, young males who demonstrated headstrong behaviours end up earning more than men who were considered dependent in childhood. So girls are still expected to be compliant. Boys are seen as leaders, girls are seen as bossy.

woman signing on white printer paper beside woman about to touch the documents

Unsplash Photo Credit

While it seems obvious that women need to get into the top positions in management and boardrooms and generate change, there’s that tricky little problem of maternity leave. Men feel women lose momentum after having children. Childcare is disproportionately the mother’s problem. Not many fathers prefer to stay at home and mind the baby. It’s often not a choice for many parents as (of course) the father has a greater earning capacity.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a woman working full time earns $1575 a week compared to a man, who earns an average of $1837. The Australian Federal Government has introduced guaranteed superannuation contributions during maternity leave plus a baby bonus of $5000 for women giving birth or adopting a baby. Unfortunately, women are still retiring with an average of 23% less super than men due to lower pay and time out of the workforce.

Golden Retriever lying on bed

Photo Credit Upsplash

The same issues women were campaigning against in the seventies are still being discussed today. Women want equality of opportunity, greater flexibility in their paid work (working from home, for instance) and equal pay for equal work, resulting in financial security.  They are tired of sexual innuendo and harassment. The situation is changing, but too slowly. Time for positive and meaningful change at all levels.

historic plastic deal signed in nairobi by 175 nations

On the topic of change, in another long overdue response to social pressure, 175 nations belonging to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) met in Nairobi to sign a legally binding commitment to end plastic pollution by 2024. While the details now have to worked out, the meeting acknowledges that plastic pollution is a worldwide problem. It spans international borders and all nations must work together to solve the problem.

The treaty encompasses all stages of the life of plastic: it’s production, consumption and disposal. The treaty is legally binding, includes financing mechanisms and acknowledges that some countries can do more than others.

white and brown boats on blue sea water during daytime

Unsplash Photo Credit

“In the space of one human lifetime, we have caused unimaginable damage to the global environment, choking every part of the global ocean with plastic pollution”, said Lord Zac Goldsmith, a UK Minister for the International Environment.

painting and eating

Whenever I go near the fridge at the moment I seem to open it and have a look. Obviously, nothing has changed since I last looked, no amazing treat has magically appeared, but I do get inspired to paint what I see. Then I usually eat it! Not a good plan.

I made an  Egg, Creamed Corn and Potato Pie, by mistake. Had some lovely free range eggs to use so added some grated Edam, which was getting a bit elderly, 4 medium potatoes thinly sliced longways, a tomato and then went looking for something else preferably something to add some colour. Found a tin of corn in the pantry. I’d sliced the potatoes, beaten the eggs and grated cheese and just needed to add the corn. Surprise! It was a can of creamed corn, origin unknown! Pondered briefly, then added the creamed corn to the egg mixture, mixed well then constructed the pie. Layer of thinly sliced raw potato, egg mixture another layer of potato then a cut up tomato on top a grind of pepper. About 40 minutes in 170°C oven. Quick. Easy.

This ended up as a very tasty experiment. We really enjoyed it. I’m not sure I’ll make it again as I never think to buy creamed corn but it blended well with the egg and tasted very good. Add salad for lunch or cooked vegetables for dinner.

I don’t buy a lot of books despite being a keen reader. My husband buys a few books every month. The problem is storage. We have a large room upstairs with bookshelves built floor to ceiling on two walls and every shelf is full. Some are packed two books deep.

I borrow books from the library. If I really enjoy a book I buy it, but not very often. A fortnight ago I borrowed, read and reviewed Jaclyn Crupti’s Garden Like A Nonno. I read every page. This book is packed with practical advice. I didn’t want to return it to the library, so I bought a copy! It wont be going upstairs either, there’s so many things I want to start doing now, particularly improving our scorched, grey beach sand soil. I’m collecting the things I need to make weed fertilizer right now. (Page 68, I know because I’ve already marked it.)

My final painting of food from the fridge; I’m back to painting flowers.

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Watching, Eating and Gardening

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the tinder swindler

The Tinder Swindler on NetflixImage credit: Netflix

Three women meet Simon Leview (above) through the dating app, Tinder. He befriends them, claiming to be the son of the super rich diamond dealer, Lev Leview. He dazzles them with his wealth, then steals from them. He claims to be under threat from unidentified people and asks them to help by sending money for him to escape. Each woman goes into debt having borrowed money to give to him. Eventually, they doubt his story and can borrow no more money. They then connect online and realise they have each been seriously duped. One swipe right changed their lives and not in a good way. This is their story. Leview claims to be misunderstood, the women are trying to pay off massive debts.

Interestingly, while the women involved struggle to repay their debts and get on with their lives, Leview (real name Shimon Hayut) has been released from prison, has a Hollywood agent and is dating a model.

inventing anna

undefinedImage credit:Netflix

Anna Sorokin, a Russian who claims to be German, arrives in New York in 2013 and works hard to become accepted by the rich and famous as a wealthy socialite. Inventing Anna is a dramatized version  of how the real Anna conned an enormous amount of money from friends and the wealthy associates she sought out. She was ruthless, scamming banks, hotels and high society.

Sorokin got away with her audacious scams by claiming to be a German heiress waiting to inherit a multi- million dollar trust fund when she turned 25. Finally found guilty on a number of charges, she is sentenced to 4 years in jail. Many of her victims are too embarrassed to report their loses. She was released in 2021 but is then taken into custody by Customs and Immigration for overstaying her visa and is awaiting deportation. Meanwhile, she’s written a book and done lucrative deals, including working with Netflix on the program.

So what do we learn from Inventing Anna? Social media is a clever platform not necessarily based on fact. Proceed with caution if you’re relying on what you see on your device!



Chilled grapes from my mother’s garden. Despite breaking a record held for 110 years by having 13 days over 40ºC the grapes are lovely! My own garden is not doing so well.


I cook for two people and find so many fruit and vegetables last two people more than a few days. They do  not stay fresh and crisp! So, after I bought a medium sized rockmelon and realised we’d have to have a quarter each for lunch and then a quarter each for dinner, as it wouldn’t keep, I started looking for smaller pieces, especially vegetables. This is a petite red cabbage.

We enjoyed half one night braised in a pan over high heat in cider vinegar then a knob of butter and a good grind of black pepper. We had the other half the next night simply boiled. No waste. This is really a hot weather problem as leftover vegetables go into the soup pot in winter!


Gathered the ingredients for a light summer salad at lunchtime. They looked so luscious I sat down and painted them!

First I painted them, then we ate them!

This is a traditional Italian salad and features the colours of the Italian flag. So, red tomatoes, green basil and white bocconcini!

So quick and easy. Slice the tomatoes and cheese thinly and arrange on a plate.  I put a sliced avocado in the middle, drizzled with a peppery olive oil then sprinkled basil over the top. Served with toasted ciabatta. Lunch done.

When I set my plate of salad, I added finely diced raw red onion for a contrasting crispness. Delicious.


Every fortnight I make two loaves of rye sourdough. Some goes in the fridge, some goes in the freezer. I’m the only one who eats it, my husband has two favourite local bakeries where he buys his white artisan loaves. No rye bread for him!

growing vegetables

Garden Like a Nonno

Affirm press

Are you growing your own food? Whether you’re new to gardening or an old hand I think you’ll find something interesting in Jaclyn Crupi’s Gardening Like Nonno. I certainly found loads of advice and recipes for improving soil quality. This is little book packed with practical bite sized bits of information.

Crupi grew up with two Nonnos ( Italian grandfathers) who she describes as “…no-nonsense, hard working and cheeky. They know how to fix things, how to make things, how to grow things and how to care for things”. This little book is full of useful information about improving the quality of soil organically, choosing and saving seeds, seasonal plants, the tools you’ll need and how to care for them, chickens and even some recipes for preserving your crops.

Whatever size your garden I think you’ll find inspiration in this practical book. I couldn’t put it down and have gone back to find particular advice, especially on soil improvement. La dolce vita in a book!

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Growing and Propagating Lucky Bamboo

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cityscape photography during daytime

When my husband was working at his office in Hong Kong we would stay at the Excelsior Hotel which was just a block away. Sadly it has now been demolished. Closed in 2019 the site is being developed as an office block. It was quite easy for me to entertain our small son as our rooms always overlooked the Hong Kong Yacht Club where they still fired the noonday gun. This former naval military artillery piece on an enclosed piece of land near the waters edge is fired at noon and on New Year at midnight. Our small boy was also entertained for hours watching the planes landing and taking off Kowloon side across the water at Kai Tak airport.

green cactus plant during daytime

Growers turn the lucky bamboo stems to make them move towards sunlight, creating the twisted stems.

The other element I remember from the Excelsior, apart from the amazing range of cuisine available at several restaurants, was every room had stems of lucky bamboo in oriental patterned vases. These were popular in restaurants, hotels and office blocks but not common elsewhere. Some were ornate and twisted and some were just straight but they were usually decorated with red string knotted around the stems to encourage good luck.

Bamboo Stick Lot in Gray Galvanized Buckets

Lucky bamboo is not actually a bamboo, but belongs to the Dracaenia  family and is Dracaenia sanderiana. It is native to Africa and Southeast Asia. Lucky bamboo is thought to bring positive energy and strength. According to feng shui, the number of stalks encourage different strengths and good fortune. Twenty one stalks is a very powerful blessing for great wealth and prosperity.

This small lucky bamboo missed the constant attention of small hands at school but after a year or so when I had retired, it thrived.

Since we returned to Western Australia I’ve had lucky bamboo in two places. One was about 18 years old and very big and lush. The leaves were slowly turning yellow. I suspect I’d over fertilised it. I know now lucky bamboo only needs fertiliser every three or four months. The other lucky bamboo used to be in my classroom and began as two small stems. When I first brought it home it didn’t thrive. Maybe it missed small people breathing on  it and poking the soil to see if it needed watering. Since I’ve stopped fertilising it so often it is thriving.

green-leafed plant

I decided the old, very big lucky bamboo, slowly turning yellow and already touching the ceiling, could be the source of new plants.

Birdcages on corner unit

The lucky bamboo a few years ago before it hit the ceiling and stated heading sideways. It has seven stems.

Propagating dracaenias/lucky bamboo

I gathered the materials, got down the old plant and set about making new plants.

You need:

stems of lucky bamboo

a clear jar/vase with some water*

garden scissors/secataurs

rooting/growth powder (optional)

* some people use filtered water, I used cooled boiled water

Cut stems with leaves just below a nodule. Remove any yellowed leaves, dip the stalk into rooting powder if you’re using it and put the stem in the jar of water.

Leave the jar of stems in dappled sunlight until little roots develop on the cut end. This took two weeks in the heat of summer. I left them another two weeks. One stalk grew roots despite the leaf yellowing and dying and one quite healthy looking cutting didn’t develop roots at all.

Although the single leaf on this stem died the developing root system is quite strong so I’ve left it in with the others.

I have left the stems in water for now. Lucky bamboo lives for longer in soil but it also thrives in water. In either case, use specific lucky bamboo fertiliser. Pour a capful into a jug of water to dilute it then add to the water or the soil about once a month. No more!

Why have I left the stems in water?  Normally I plant my lucky bamboo in soil as they last a few years longer than in water. It is very, very hot here at the moment, has been for a few weeks and continuing hot weather is forecast. I don’t want these young and still quite small roots to dry out in soil so I’ve left them in water, which is easy to top up when necessary. When it is cooler I will plant them in loose, good quality potting mix and put the pot in one of the various holders I use ( a faux Greek antiquity vase, a stainless steel ice bucket, a chinoiserie teapot missing it’s lid) At the moment the jar of rooted stems is in an old teapot.

I trimmed the dead leaf off the flourishing stem and it is healthy so I will keep it in the pot.

If you’re growing lucky bamboo in water the roots will be easy to check. As they grow and become a tangled mass in the container they take on a red tinge. This means they are healthy!

opening the border between western australia and the rest of australia

On the 2nd of April, 2020, Western Australia closed its border to the rest of Australia in an attempt to stop the spread of the corona virus. It was very successful but also meant families, friends and people working or holidaying in the Eastern States were prevented from entering WA. Unfortunately, the hard border is still in place but the Premier says it will open on 3rd of March. The plan to open the border on 8th of February was postponed. This has been a difficult time for so many people and many businesses have suffered. We wait to see what happens!









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The Summer Garden, Reading and Treating Rust

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Daily temperatures around 40ºC suit the roses and some other plants, but not me! I’ve spent a lot of time on the settee with books, keeping cool. Tuning into the Winter Olympics not just for the action, but to gaze longingly at the snow.

in the garden

This red Pierre de Ronsard rose had 13 roses on one stem! Pretty scent and the blooms last a long time in a vase.

These flowers will last a long time, too. That’s because they’re made of Lego! A Christmas gift, they continue to amuse me. The artwork behind is the work of Spence Guerin. You can see more at

The clivias thrive in the garden. Interestingly, these flowers were originally bright orange  with a row of cream clivias in front. Not anymore, they’re all creamy orange now!

This beautiful myrrh scented sturdy rose is Glamis Castle. It blooms most months of the year and was virtually uneffected by chili thrip last year, unlike the other roses. I cut the flowers for in the house. Within days there will be a fresh lot ready to pick. They do well in the heat.

A lunch salad from the garden. Picked the lettuce leaves, the tomatoes, the spring onion and basil leaves then added bought gherkins and red onion plus later, some goats cheese.

The lettuce bed with chives. Since this photo was taken the pick and come again lettuces have been scorched by the heat and gone to seed. Annoying.

The ever blooming hippiastra. I have red, red with white throats and white hippiastra and they seem to bloom for about eight months of the year. Big, pretty and long lasting blooms.


Are you a keen reader? At the end of the year I kept seeing lists made by other bloggers recording the number of books they’d read during the year. These lists ranged from in the 30’s to over 100, so about two books each week. I decided I would keep a list for one year, too, and have made a cracking start. I must add we have had scorching hot weather since before Christmas and we are a family of very keen readers. Too hot to do many jobs outdoors!

We give each other books as gifts. My husband orders most of his books from online book sellers. I reserve many books online and pick them up at the library. I read all the book reviews! If I really like a book I will buy a copy to keep from a local bookshop.

This book, by Annie Smithers, a well known and much admired Australian restaurant owner, is in the ‘buy a copy’ category.


Well known for her French style bistros and restaurants, Annie Smithers has written a manifest describing how she lives a balanced life. Not many of us have hectares or the resources to grow fruit and vegetables on a commercial scale (she supplies her bistro from her farm) but her approach to juggling work, growing fresh food, caring for livestock, her family and staff makes interesting reading. She is determined to live in a sustainable way and to live well.

I enjoyed reading her recipes, too. Based on one of her recipes, this is my new favourite salad dressing. Place into a jar with a lid a dessert spoon of Dijon mustard (buy the French brand as the others are slightly sweet), and two parts extra virgin olive oil to one part vinegar. Shake until it is amalgamated then drizzle over the salad. Thick, creamy and delicious.

treating rust on metal

My week hasn’t been all cutting flowers and reading inspirational books! I’ve been attending to some home maintenance. Some of our exterior door frames are metal and some are timber depending on the protection they have from the weather. The front door is protected by a portico but this door frame is exposed to all the weather. I have had to treat rust patches in the past. During this very hot, dry season it made sense to rub it back, treat the rust and repaint the area.

  1.  Wipe the effected area of the  frame clean then rub back the rust using sand paper. Wipe again with a damp cloth to remove any dust.

2. Apply the rust treatment and leave to dry.

3. Repainted the area. This was done on a very hot day and the area dried quickly. I applied two coats of paint over the previously rusted area for lasting protection. Now it looks perfect but I forgot to take a photo!


Valentine'S Day, Feb, 14, Holiday, Hearts, Candy

Next week on the 14th of February, is St Valentine’s day. Are you planning something special?

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Happy New Year, Resolutions and Gardening News

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We spent a lovely Christmas Day with our extended family. Enjoyed  catching up with all the news. Not so lovely was the 43°C top temperature. Really hot nights, too, so I’m watering the garden every night. Then Boxing Day was hot at 44° (111°F)  but we’d already planned to take my Mother shopping for a new television. Despite the shop being air conditioned it was very hot and crowded and this week we have to wear masks. Not complaining, as we’ve only had to wear masks twice in two years.

We have had 9 deaths from  Covid in Western  Australia and I realise we are really lucky. We will need to wear masks at any New Year parties and the numbers able to attend will be limited. Why? Because 86 close contacts of a French unvaccinated back packer who arrived in WA and was diagnosed with CV-19 haven’t fronted up to be tested.

The best post Christmas thing is settling to the books we received as presents. We are a family of keen readers and enjoy this slower time after the festivities to read and stay cool. There’s always lots of leftovers to eat for two or three days so it’s a relaxing time. One night we wanted variety and had a curry feast! Unfortunately, the garden is wilting. It is also too hot to set up our new worm farm.

Luscious curry dinner, not cooked by me!

I was really interested when a friend told me her family only exchanged gifts they could eat, drink or read. Probably because we’re all in a similar age group we don’t need other things but still enjoy reading, eating or drinking! In fact, most of our gifts already fit into these categories but now is the time to formalise the plan


woman stretchingThis is definitively not me!

Do you set New Year goals? I know lots of people see the new year as a fresh start and therefore the ideal time to make changes for the better. I’m not big on coming up with goals for the new year, despite being aware of some changes I’d benefit from making, but I’m always interested in what other people are planning. Popular goals mentioned amongst friends regarded diets, exercising, drinking less alcohol, spending more time with family and friends, decluttering and organising expenditure. In fact, losing weight or just eating a healthier diet are the most popular resolutions in the Western World. Do you make resolutions? I’d love to know if you keep them!

happy birthday greeting card on brown wooden table


We spent a day decluttering. It wasn’t a New Year Resolution but really a necessity. The large cupboard under the stairs was overly stuffed with things. We couldn’t get to the back! About four years ago when I decided to retire I brought home and stored work things in case I ever wanted to go back. Of course, I’ve never looked at any of those things since. Our son moved home after a couple of years in another state and many of his things were stored and forgotten in the cupboard, too, when he returned. Years of me painting, drawing and printing have resulted in an overflow of art works. I have no idea what to do with them.

It took a day, many difficult decisions and two trips to the tip plus a large box of things to donate to sort out the cupboard. It is at risk of being filled with the overflow of our lives again as it is on the way into the main part of the house and we can just shut the door on the things we can’t decide about and there are many. But for now we’re just enjoying standing at the door and admiring how organised and tidy it all is, however briefly.


purple flower in macro lens photography

In gardening news, the agapanthus are loving the scorching sun and blooming with great gusto, the alstomerias have given up, the roses are managing but not enthusiastically and I am picking passionfruit, blueberries, a few tomatoes, coriander, perpetual spinach, mint, parsley and basil.

Multi Colored Beads on White Surface

                  Wishing You All A

       Happy And Healthy New Year!



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Chicken Roulade and Christmas Cakes

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My extended family will be coming to our house for Christmas lunch. It will probably be a very hot day, as it usually is, so I’m scrolling through recipe books and making lists for cold food to be served on platters. As we’ll have family staying I’d like some things to serve as leftovers the next day, too.

Making plans.

making chicken roulade

Planning Christmas entertaining and want a change? I’ve bought the ham but wanted a change from turkey. I decided to practice making an old fashioned chicken roulade. It can be eaten hot or cold. The filling can be altered to suit the season. The filling I chose had leeks as they looked so fresh at the greengrocers..

To make a roulade  begin by brining the chicken. This ensures the meat stays moist and tasty. I laid the breasts in a container and poured the brine to completely cover the meat for 24 hours. I use free range chicken breasts so their size is not uniform.

The brining mix is  1/2 cup of  cooking salt dissolved in 2 litres of water, left to cool. Then pour it over the breasts, cover and leave in the fridge.

After 24 hours, remove the breasts, pat dry and trim off any fatty bits.

Lay the breast on a length of baking paper and cut through the middle, not going all the way through. Lay the butterflied breast on one half of the paper and fold the other half over. Most cooks use plastic wrap for this step but I try to avoid using single use plastic.

Use a rolling pin, meat tenderiser or even a bottle to flatten the breast. I use this little rolling pin as it’s just the right size. It began life in a Play Dough  set but I finally adopted it about thirty years ago as it’s just the right size for so many jobs!

Uncover the butterflied breast. Check the thickness. Trim off any scrappy bits.

Lay the filling down the middle and roll one  end over it. Tuck the edge under the filling and roll it into a sausage shape.

I was trying two types of meat to roll around the chicken. I used prosciutto  and a smoky bacon. Both retain the moisture of the roulade. I will use the bacon  for the Christmas lunch roulade as the prosciutto was quite salty.

Bacon and two prosciutto roulades ready to roast. Some cooks wrap the rolls in plastic wrap and poach them in boiling water to secure the neat shape  before roasting but I’m not wrapping anything in plastic and then heating it! I rolled the breast wrapped in the bacon or prosciutto, tied with kitchen string and put in the oven.


Into a 160ºF oven and cook, turning the rolls when one side is browned. Remove when both sides are browned, leave to cool. Snip off string.

Slice when it’s cool and enjoy! I also made gravy from the pan juices but the prosciutto meant it was too salty.

I  browned a tablespoon of pine nuts and then a well washed, finely chopped leek. When they were cool I mixed in 200gm of cream cheese and  four finely chopped chives to make the filling. Left it to mature in the fridge for 24 hours while the chicken brined. It was easy to spread on the breasts and tasted very good.

After I’d made the roulades I had five rashers of bacon left over. Quick audit of the fridge as I needed to shop that afternoon. I gathered bits and pieces left in the fridge to make a pie. Apart from the bacon I used five eggs, an onion I browned, some chopped up broccoli, some grated cheese and a tomato to make a pie. Eaten cold for two lunches, it was delicious!

christmas cakes

The next job to be done for Christmas was making the two Christmas Cakes. The fruit had been macerating for over a month. Normally I soak it for longer, but this year has not been a normal!

We each stirred the mixture and made a wish.

Hope all your holiday plans are going well. Sadly, some families will be separated by new outbreaks of CV-19. We live in very different times.




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TV for Dogs, Great Vinaigrette, Jacarandas and Dyeing a Shirt

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Streaming channel for dogs

A television channel was launched in the UK last week for dogs. Yes, pay TV for dogs. This streaming service has been designed to alleviate stress, loneliness and anxiety for dogs during the day according to the research completed over three years.  The researchers considered the physiological and psychological needs of dogs to determine what made them feel stimulated or relaxed. The dog channel features colours, audio frequency and music and camera alignment to suit dog senses.

white long coated small dog on floor

A vet interviewed about dogs watching television says ‘…only some dogs will sit and watch TV.’ Apparently dogs get bored very quickly and wander off. My dog barks at cats and other dogs on TV otherwise he ignores it. So, will your dog be watching The Dog Chef, Road Dogs, Paws For Love, The Adoption Show  or Things We Woof About?

black and white border collie lying on black and white bed linen


Salad season has arrived in Western Australia so I’m back making traditional vinaigrette. There’s so many salad dressings on the market but often the ingredients listed on the labels are off putting. Fresh, raw, just picked veggies need clean, home made dressings. This is the recipe for a plain dressing using ingredients you already have to hand. Varying the vinegar you use, such as balsamic, red wine or apple cider vinegar will change the colour and the flavour.

I’ve used plain white vinegar and the basic ingredients. Once you have mastered the ratios you can add shallots, garlic or lemon zest. You can replace some of the acid, the vinegar, with lemon or lime juice. I use virgin olive oil which has a very strong flavour. You may prefer to use a lighter olive oil.

This vinaigrette will last a week in the fridge and can be added to salads, drizzled over small boiled potatoes or any other vegetable. I mix it in an old jam jar and store it in the fridge in the same jar. I like things to be easy!

To make VINAIGRETTE you need

1/2 cup olive oil

4 tablespoons vinegar

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Put all the ingredients in the jar or a bowl and whisk. Sometimes I just shake the jar vigorously with the lid screwed on tightly. Drizzle on your salad leaves and enjoy.


Pink Cherry Blossom Tree on Green Grass Field

Jacaranda trees are a sub tropical tree native to central South America. Jacarandas thrive in Western Australia and other states of Australia. It has been cultivated in almost every country in the world  where there is no risk of frost.

Jacarandas are considered an invasive species in Queensland and parts of South America. The blue flowers appear in spring and summer and can last up to two months. During this time the spent flowers will create a beautiful carpet under the tree as they fall.

Tricky to see on an overcast day but the purple haze continues down the street. Beautiful.

I love jacaranda trees! At this time every year we go across the river to an area where my mother grew up to see the jacarandas. They were planted as street trees on Arbor Day when she was at primary school. They have mostly continued to flourish and bloom. They are celebrated each year during the Jacaranda Festival.

dyeing a shirt

Last summer I bought a linen shirt online and was rather surprised when it arrived; what I thought was a pink shirt was actually a very orange, slightly pink shirt. Wore it once and put it back in the robe, never to be worn again. The colour made me look sick! And it was a bit big.

Shirt, 500gm salt (mordent to set the dye) and the packet of black dye.

Suddenly it is quite warm in Western Australia so I gathered all my summer shirts, washed them and ironed them and hung them ready for summer. That’s when I discovered the hidden orange/pink shirt. Wore it yesterday, still really dislike it! Inspiration struck. I could dye it and take the side seams in a little bit without altering the style of the shirt, but improving the fit.

Set off for a packet of dye. Thought I’d get grey but the shop only had black. Bought it. Dyed the shirt in the washing machine and then hung it in the shade to dry, as directed on the packet. I now have a NAVY blue shirt, which I really like. I have pinned the sides to make it fit better and will sew it tomorrow. Strangely, the thread used to sew the shirt didn’t take the dye and is still an odd colour but looks fine on the navy linen. Pleased with the outcome and know I will wear it now.

Looks grey in the photo, which I like but it’s actually navy blue, which I also like, so now I will wear it!

Plain Flour, Rye, Bread, Home Made, Food, Spelled

Did you know Wednesday was make Your Own Bread Day? You can bake some homemade bread to meet your “kneads”. I began making sourdough bread about four years ago but now I make rye sourdough. Rye flour has very little gluten so I add some strong white flour to help it rise. There’s so much information online, especially since the pandemic, if you’d like to try making your own bread.


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Ten Days in Australind.

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My Mother is recovering from eye surgery. Initially she stayed with us in Perth for just over a fortnight for pre- surgery appointments, then the eye surgery, then recuperation  and some post surgical appointments. Now I have been down here in Australind with her for about ten days. She is doing very well.

My first task was making her special muesli, a combination of oatmeal, dried apricots, dates, raisins and sunflower seeds.

Also picked some lettuce, broad beans, parsley and sage when we arrived and were given the lemons, all used to make salad.

I grew up on a farm about 7 kilometres from where my Mother now lives. This area was a small settlement with a service station which also sold some groceries and had enticing jars of lollies (candy). Now it’s a township of many suburbs, a number of primary and two secondary schools, two shopping centres and all the support services which come with these developments.

This area, like most of Western Australia, has experienced heavy winter rainfall. The rainfall has been recorded on our farm since 1914 and my Mother still has a rain gauge in the front garden here. She sends the rainfall records to the Bureau of Meteorology every month.

Record of local rainfall for this area 1914 -2007.

Right at the front, in the middle, is the rain gauge in suburban Australind.

Heavy rain means her garden is gorgeous. The front garden is ornamental, the back garden has both vegetables and exotics. She has amazing roses this year, like everyone else! She always has fresh flowers in the house.

Harry Wheatcroft

Chicago Peace

My great grandparents are buried in a nearby town, so we set off to visit them! They are keeping other relatives company, too. I took lots of photos and read lots of gravestones before we went to a coffee shop nearby in a restored house overlooking the river.

My Great Grandfather, born in Norway as Christian Jensen.

My Great Grandmother, born in South Australia. They were married in Adelaide in 1883. They had seven children.

Wandered through the beautiful garden winding around the river. We had coffee and cake then visited the information centre intended to inform visitors about the attractions of the area. The government has decided to close this as all the information can be found online. What a shame!

Pretty, well kept gardens at Stirling Cottage.

Throughout the garden there are illustrated excerpts from the very beautiful book, Tales of Snugglepot and Cuddle Pie, written and illustrated by May Gibbs, who once lived nearby. This book was regularly read to me when I was a child and remains a favourite. When we came back here, Mum showed me another May Gibbs book she has, Two Little Gum-Nuts. Published in 1929. It was a Christmas gift from a cousin to my Father.

Other things to happen this week:

* Four year old Cleo Smith, who was abducted from the family tent at a remote camp site on the coast of Western Australia, was found after being missing for 18 days. Such a relief.

*Aldi are using 84% recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging. This is a move in the right direction, but the actual cost of recycling plastics is so high it is still cheaper to used virgin plastics. They have also transitioned from plastic yoghurt tubs to paperboard tubs, saving 15.3 tonnes of plastic a year. Before you buy yoghurt, check if there is a paperboard tub alternative to plastic.

* World Diabetes Day is on the 14th intended to increase awareness about diabetes. Millions of people around the world live with diabetes. There are two types of diabetes and both types require careful management. The International Diabetes Federation predicts by 2025 there will be 422 million people living with diabetes.

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