Autumn Here and Now Link-Up……but it’s too late!

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So happy Sarah is back with the Here and Now link-up. I really enjoy her blog but I’ve just discovered I have left publication too late for this month, so I’ll watch out for next months link-up!

LOVING  The gentle change in weather as we move into Autumn. The mornings and evenings are cooler. Very motivated to work in the garden after an afternoon listening to Sophie Thompson, horticulturist, author, ABCTV garden presenter and TEDx speaker.

EATING  Easter themed cake and gingerbread rabbits.

DRINKING   Forest Fruits with a twist of Apple tea. Warming, tastes good and smells lovely.

FEELING   Pleased the roses are still blooming. This red one is Father’s Love and lasts for ages as a cut flower.

MAKING  Little muslin pectin bags for jam making. Last year I used a knotted Chux, a kitchen wipe! Very ugly, very efficient, but now I have some little bags which I can wash and re-use. Soon there will be citrus, so I’ll be making marmalade. The pectin, from pips and peel, makes the jam set.

THINKING  Time to replant a garden bed which gets good sun but is currently planted with cannas. I’m struggling to get rid of them and have been researching  non-chemical ways to deal with them. Digging them out seems to spur any remnant rhizomes to greater vigor. Any ideas?

Green Hill

DREAMING  We’re planning trips, first to Bali and then a train trip. These are the things we dreamed about when we were working and had limited time to travel. So many possibilities now!

Tomorrow marks the beginning of EASTER, the Christian festival celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many families will go to Church, eat chocolate eggs and hot cross buns and spend relaxing time together.



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